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Can You Earn Extra Income on The Internet?

This Article by David Ferrers

Do any of the online schemes for earning income online really work? Can an ordinary person who would like to make some extra income really succeed?

There is no doubt about it that some people do earn good income online. But what percentage of those who join up with online affiliate schemes actually succeed in earning anything?

The short answer would seem to be that those with good mailing lists make money and those without mailing lists don’t.

The mailing list and the way it is used are the real secret. Without a list it would appear to be almost impossible to succeed. This point is borne out by the fact that those with good lists are lothe to share them, Neither will they tell anyone else how they managed to build them.

The other great secret is the ability to write good, selling copy. If you can write good selling copy you can entice people to give you their name to add to your mailing list.

Then, of course, your only challenge is to attract people to your web site. Not as easy as you might think, but there are ways to do this if you have the time and dedication to make them work for you.

The alternative is to spend money on Google ads or pay-per-click visitors.

It would seem that there is a lot of preparation work necessary before you can start to earn the extra income.

So, why do people with good products bother to offer partnerships and affiliate programs? The answer is to attract people who have good mailing lists. If they can do that then they can convert those visitors to join their own mailing list.

So there is probably a whole host of web “junkies” out there who have their names on a lot of different mailing lists.

Can you become one of those who earns extra income on the Internet. Certainly you can but you have to go about it in the right way. It is much harder work than many would have you believe.

So is it worthwhile investing the time and energy in trying to earn extra income on the Internet? Yes, I you are prepared to invest in learning and buying the tools you need to make a success of it. This is not a game where many become wealthy by accident.

David Ferrers M.NLP is a Business Coach who has built two successful companies by focussing on winning good clients; mainly blue-chip companies. He now produces videos and courses, many of which are free, showing others how to grow successful and profitable businesses. You can check out these valuable business building videos at his web site http://www.quickandeasymarketing.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Ferrers

Blogging for Building Business

By Jeanne Sullivan
Blogging for business can be a very effective marketing tool.

The first thing you may need to know, especially if you’re very new to this, is, what in the dickens is a blog? In its most basic form, a blog is just a personal journal or diary. It’s a web space that allows you to rant on ‘til the cows come home. The word “blog” comes from a combination of the words “web log.” You can blog about absolutely anything, any topic. And the most amazing thing about blogs is that other people, all over the world may actually be interested in what you’re blogging about. The coolest part about blogs is that most of them are interactive. Most bloggers allow you to post responses to their blogs. Other readers can add their thoughts and a continuing dialogue is underway.

Oh yeah, did I mention that blogs are usually free? This alone should persuade you to use a blog as part of your small business marketing strategy. Plus blogs are quite easy to set up. You don’t need much, if any, training. You can have your own blog up and running in mere minutes.

Good blogs are interesting and they are kept up-to-date. It’s a little annoying to return to a particular blog and read the same old thoughts.

On Being a Successful Blogger

With an interactive, collaborative blog, you can engage your customers in a direct but relaxed way. Since blogs are often very casual and informal, your potential customers won’t feel pressured. Your customers learn about you and your product or service, you in turn, gain valuable information about your customers.

Some points on writing a successful blog:.

• set goals and tone. Decide why you want to write this blog. What are you trying to achieve?
• keep it relevant and personal. But also decide who the blog is aimed at
• make it useful
• use relevant key words
• keep readers interested and coming back for more
• update often and stick to it

Now I just have to take my own advice. Time to get out a pencil and paper and answer my own business blog key points.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jeanne_Sullivan

The Business of Better Communication

Are you in a world of talk or a world of hurt or frustration? Either you’re in the business of better communication or you’re not in business at all, y’all. For example, what do you feel is the missing key to unlock a closed or locked door of communication? And, how could you improve your communication skills today that will pay dividends in your career tomorrow? Actually, those were the very questions I recently asked to workshop audience members made up of business executives and leaders.


Got time to talk? You are plenty wise to get to know the communicator type of the people with whom you’re talking. That way, you don’t have to accommodate their style but you can when it will create win-win partnerships. How can you give the green light to good talk?

1. Focus like a hawk. Be more focused on what others are saying, than what you are going to jump in and say next.

2. Seek to be a better communicator and ye shall find. Set a goal to improve your communication skills a little each day, and within a year you will make smooth communication moves that net friendships.

3. Match the talk tempo. Communicating with a talk partner is like jogging or dancing together; taking turns talking or making points and matching the pitch and pace of talking gives the green light to good talk. Match the talk tempo.

4. Don’t stare off into outer space. Try to keep your eyeballs touching, and smile or nod your head in agreement when you do.

5. Enjoy feeling stupid. Leaders who aren’t “know it alls” listen really well because they are always in a learning mode.

6. Save the best for first. Instead of “saving the best for last,” do as much of what’s important to your work passions first.

7. Be on “your time.” Take time to think issues through, including four minutes of self-study or personal meditation each day.

8. Listen with “three ears.” Deep listening changes the listener and the speaker. You can’t listen with a half of an ear AND multitask AND get the drift of the complete message.

9. Change what isn’t working. Pick a flaw or an Achilles heel and work on daily improvement. For example, if you dislike change park in a new parking spot every day.

10. Connect instead of dissect. “It’s your fault!” is a way of shunning that dissects drivers on the two-way communication highway and creates a disconnect. If there’s no one to blame, what would you be doing differently today to make your dreams come true?

11. Don’t be content with feeling contented. Like the Rabbit in the parable of the Tortoise and the Hare, sit smugly on your laurels and you will be passed by in a hurry.

12. Tell the truth. You must have “guts galore” and express true feelings and thoughts that might hurt someone.

13. Know the communicator type of those you work for. You can’t always surround yourself with positive people, so know the quirks of your opposite communicator type so you don’t take things too personally.

That’s why good talk isn’t cheap, it’s priceless!


When at first you don’t succeed, try, try doing something DIFFERENT for a change. Doing more of what isn’t working, still won’t work to resolve the communication problem at the crossroads. Enough already of you yakking about how taking time to listen will help you communicate better, and then drifting off into dreamland whenever times get tough or a bore gets off on being on a soapbox.


Has your “comfort zone” really become a coffin with money stuffed inside of it waiting for you to drop by? Ask questions and more questions. Feel proud to be a dumbbell who’s a “know-it-little.”

Dr. Dennis O’Grady is a Dayton-based communications psychologist and relationship expert who has spent over 30 years of his career dedicated to the advancement of organizational and leadership development, personal executive coaching, effective couple communication skills, and positive and effective communication strategies for anyone. Dennis is the developer of the “Talk to Me: Communication Moves To Get Along With Anyone” system available on his website http://www.drogrady.com and at Amazon.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Dennis_O'Grady